Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


Tree Plantings

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is very involved in the expansion of tree planting programs throughout Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has many useful tips and information regarding the planting and care of trees native to Wisconsin. Please visit their website to learn more about Wisconsin DNR Tree Planting Programs. This site contains quite a bit of useful information which would give anyone a good base of knowledge in the subject, especially those issues which are native to Wisconsin. Learn more the history and future of Urban Forestry.

Wildlife Habitat

Nothing quite compares with the experience of watching a wild animal in its native habitat. Wildlife in its natural setting gives us all something we need: a connection with nature and a sense of wonder, peace and beauty. Please visit the Wisconsin DNR Wildlife Habitat webpage for more information on local species and wildlife/habitat stewardship.

Bird Conservation

Enjoy Wisconsin’s Bountiful Bird Population! Wisconsin is home to over 300 species of birds and has thousands of people who enjoy birds. To learn more about Wisconsin’s Birds and local species, go to the Wisconsin DNR Birding and Bird Conservation webpage. Explore the links for information on birds, bird identification, birding locations and how to get involved in bird conservation efforts.